Cenforce FM 100 mg (Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg Tablets)
Cenforce FM (Sildenafil Citrate Tablets) is an FDA-approved medication used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men. After being introduced in 1998, Cenforce FM (Sildenafil Citrate Tablets) became the most popular treatment for erectile dysfunction issues. Cenforce FM (Sildenafil Citrate Tablets) is a fast-acting medication that can last up to four hours. It works well for men at any age, regardless of how long the patient has been having issues getting and maintaining an erection. Cenforce FM (Sildenafil Citrate Tablets) interferes with the production of a hormone called PDE5. It relaxes the blood vessels surrounding the penis to allow increased blood flow during sexual arousal. When using Cenforce FM, men can easily get and maintain a hard erection after being sexually stimulated. You will only get an erection after becoming sexually aroused and the erection will go away on its own. Even if you have been having erectile dysfunction problems for a long time, Cenforce FM will start working right away. Erectile dysfunction is a name of condition when cGMP enzyme is replaced by another enzyme PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type-5). PDE5 enzyme breaks down cGMP and takes its place. Blood flow is restricted by PDE5 enzyme leading to causing erection problem in men. Blood is essential for erection achievement. Cenforce FM inhibits PDE5 enzyme, enhancing blood flow to the penile area. Blood filled penile region makes it easier for men to achieve erection. Cenforce FM (Sildenafil Citrate Tablets) also releases cGMP in the body as without it erection is impossible.
When to use Cenforce-FM?
Viagra for women is used to improve the sensitivity of erogenous zones. Simplifies the process of excitement. He is engaged in treatment of vaginal dryness, normalizes his muscular tone and increases the natural release of lubricant. Eliminates vaginal spasms and other signs of physical discomfort during intercourse. It greatly improves the acuteness of sexual sensations. Improves the quality of orgasm.
How to use Cenforce-FM
Generic Viagra for women is taken orally. Tablets are washed down with water, preferably 2 hours after eating. The course of treatment is not established.
Cenforce-FM Side effects
Not the correct intake of Viagra, and an overdose of the drug can cause severe headaches, nausea, back pain, dizziness, and decreased performance. Having noticed these symptoms, before continuing the treatment, go to the doctor's office.
Cenforce FM 100 mg (Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg Tablets)
- Brands Centurion Laboratories Pvt Ltd
- Product Code: Cenforce-FM-100
- Availability: In Stock
- $1.00
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